Tuesday 4 November 2014

Happy Birthday Jamie xxx

So, I realise I haven't blogged in about 3 weeks and so much has happened! I have been so busy exploring and have had midterms PLUS the blog on top apparently doesn't add up HOWEVER...my best friend out here is turning 20! And that absolutely calls for a dedication blog post!
Everyone knows we've only known each other a short amount of time, 10 weeks now though!! CRAZY! But I already love this girl so much! It is such an amazing opportunity to be out here, and I am so happy I have you to share it with, Jamie.
Sorry, bit soppy!
Well we've done everything from cook to jump out a plane together which means there are far too many photos and I know its overkill but hey...TADAAAAAAA.....

As I've said, we've done a lot! Been up the CN Tower, went to Niagara Falls on a yellow school bus and went to the Hard Rock Cafe, jumped out a plane together and spent many an evening together gossiping and sipping on wine...

We also took a lil' trip to the Big Apple! I say little trip...we spent 12 hours cooped up on a coach next to each other....there and back! HAHA! Went up to Top of the Rock, top of the Empire State Building, saw a Broadway show, walked around Central Park in the sun, saw the Statue of Liberty, went to Madame Tussauds, visited Central Station and the New York Public Library where Carrie Bradshaw almost got married and so much more!

Also another day trip we took was to the aquarium, which was so much fun! We probably acted half our age, but still....so much fun!

 That time when we became avid Baseball fans for the last week of the season...GO BLUEJAYS <3

Thank you for being absolutely wonderful and literally making my time here in Canada incredible! Love you so much!
First Canada, then the World! xxxxx